Music Ministries
Our Choir Leader is Wendy Nieuwenhuis. Our choir blesses us each week with a special musical selection, and leads the congregation in the singing of all our favourite hymns, new and old. As well, the Choir participates in special presentations of sacred music throughout the year, including the Easter Cantata and Christmas Eve Service. To find out more about our Choir, please contact the Church Office at (780) 479-1565
To view the musical videos Wendy has recorded, the link below will take you to the YouTube page “Highlands United Church Organist”, where you will find all the videos that are used in our online services.
CLICK HERE – Highlands United Church Organist
Highlands United is blessed with Handbells as part of our Ministry of Music. Our Handbell Choir, under the leadership of Carol Bergum, is Bell Canto. Specializing in sacred music of a serious nature, Bell Canto will lift your spirit, and fill your heart with the matchless beauty of the bells.
To view the musical videos Carol has recorded, the link below will take you to the YouTube page “Highlands United Church Handbells”, where you will find all the videos that are used in our online services.
CLICK HERE – Highlands United Church Handbells
MARCH 8th, 2020: Our celebration of Carol’s 25 years of dedicated musical leadership at Highlands United! How blessed we are!