CHEQUE: Cheques can be made out to “Highlands United Church” and can be dropped off or mailed to:
Highlands United Church
11305 64 Street NW
Edmonton AB T5W 4H6
OFFERING ENVELOPES: Visitor Envelopes are available for your use in the pews, and please indicate anyway we can be of service to you. Be sure to include your name and address to obtain an income tax receipt at the end of the year. If you would like to donate regularly, we can set you up with numbered offering envelopes, which also include Special Occasion envelopes.
INTERAC E-TRANSFER Donating is now easier than ever, especially during this uncertain time. Just a few clicks through your online banking, and your donation will go straight to Highlands United Church. We are set up with auto-deposit, so there is no need for a security question or password. All we ask is that you include your name and mailing address in the “Message” area, so we will be able to credit you with an income tax receipt at the end of the year. Also be sure to let us know how you would like your donation to be directed (Local expenses, Mission & Service, Memorial, etc.) When setting up your e-transfer, please use our email address
THE PAR PROGRAM: PAR stands for Pre-Authorized Remittance. Even though you may not be able to attend services, your church has your on-going commitment every month. PAR allows you to make your contributions through a monthly electronic withdrawal from your bank account. Or, if you would rather donate monthly using your Visa or Mastercard, we now have the ability to assist you in that manner. This will allow the church to have a more even cash flow to meet expenses, even in your absence, or during the slow summer months. If these methods of contribution appeal to you, or you would just like some further information please contact the church office for more details.
PAYPAL: Donations can be made directly through Paypal, and you have the option of directing your monies towards the General / Operating Budget, Memorial Fund or Outreach. Please ensure you include your name and address so we can send out an income tax receipt for donations over $20. If you are donating to the Memorial Fund, please add a note letting us know in whose memory the donation is made.
CANADA HELPS.ORG: CanadaHelps is a charity that supports all Canadian charities, no matter how big or small. They will offer you a free account to track your givings, set giving goals, manage monthly gifts and more. They will provide an instant income tax receipt, and you also have the option to donate one-time, or monthly. Follow the link below to be taken directly to the CanadaHelps website.
BEQUEST: Did you know that you can leave a “Planned Gift” to Highlands United Church through a bequest in your will, or by making the Church the beneficiary (or one of the beneficiaries) of a life insurance policy? And that the Charitable Donation receipt your estate receives will help offset the taxes payable by it? Any bequests made to Highlands United Church will be gratefully received, cherished and acknowledged; and will make your surviving loved ones even more proud of you and your forethought.
I would like to express my Thanks for the very special service this morning. It was most meaningful and inspiring – It is really neat to see how technology can be used. I found myself spiritually involved with your message as well with communion and as always the words have special meaning for me. Community would be nice but since I thank you for your creativity. Loved the Bunny and its story,
As a former member of Beverly United – I do have my UCC Membership with me and will transfer as soon as able. As John knows I have lots and lots of practice for isolation. I would also like to be put on your mailing list. If your require any other info from me, please contact me.
Have a Blessed Easter
Thank you for your lovely message Carolyn. We’re so pleased the service was meaningful and inspiring for you. We will certainly add you to our mailing list. Thank you also for your donation. Have a wonderful day!
WELCOME CAROLYN, I’ll look forward to meeting you.
Be blessed and keep looking UP.