Highlands Legacy Project

Highlands Legacy Project
Highlands United Church has been part of the Highlands neighbourhood for over 100 years.   Like many churches across Canada, the Highlands community of faith continues to decline.  We can no longer afford to maintain the church building and the house to the north, or continue to operate in the same way we have.
The members of Highlands United Church agreed in Fall 2024 to begin the process of transitioning Highlands United Church as we currently know it.  We are now undertaking a Legacy Project to explore the future of our community of faith and our buildings.

Stay Informed
Do you have questions? Contact the Legacy Team at huclegacy@gmail.com
Want to get regular updates?  Send your email to huclegacy@gmail.com and ask to get on our project mailing list or check back here
When is the church closing?
We do not know at this point.  A Legacy project can typically take two to four years.  Through this project, we will explore potential options for our future as a community of faith and for the future of the buildings.
Can we create new programs to attract members to our community of faith?
As a community of faith we need to focus our energies and efforts on deciding what the Highlands community of faith will be in the future and then explore appropriate programming.
Why go to church if it is closing?
The intention is that the Highlands United community of faith will continue in some form and at some location.

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